Congratulations to the brave FALINTIL and to all children who contributed to protect FALINTIL’s life.

Today, 20th of August, in commemoration of FALINTIL day, this brief article reflects children’s active participation in the struggle for the independence of Timor-Leste.  The involvement of children in the resistance front made an enormous contribution that we shall not forget as people and a nation. Therefore, in this historical day, we congratulate FALINTIL and commend Timorese as a whole particularly the child-combatants.

From 1975 countless number of Timorese aimed for independence where virtually everyone ranging from children to adults rose up against invasion of Indonesian army. During the occupation, Timorese people totally lived in darkness. From a small portion of Timorese who were educated, some were unfortunately utilized by the invaders to divide the people and rule. However, through political convergence, Timorese nationalists unified their strength in order to resist the invasion.

I personally would like to share a story about children’s involvement during our long struggle for independence. In such a tough moment, many children provided crucial contribution and even offered their own lives for the freedom of the country. Countless numbers of children were killed either in the bush or in urban areas whilst providing critical tasks in support of FALINTIL. A lot of them also disappeared and until now the whereabouts are lamentably unknown. The extent of such works came with serious difficulty as they required braveness, suffering and death. When we heard of unfortunate fates of our friends who ended up at the hands of our enemies and were brutally tortured and killed, we were greatly terrified. Nevertheless, that did not diminish our courage and willingness to continue our service as an integral part of the Timorese resistance against the illegal occupation of Indonesia.

A lot of Timorese children worked with FALINTIL as well as the clandestine network. These children played key roles particularly serving as ears and eyes of both FALINTIL and clandestine network to watch closely any movement of Indonesian army and its collaborators. In rural areas, children took on the roles as couriers which were vital in terms of bridging clandestine movement and FALINTIL. For instance, many children and I were in close contact with the FALINTIL as couriers especially in the provision of key information as well as material supplies to FALINTIL.  In those tough moments when Indonesian army had close supervision of suspicious activities of young and adult people, the children were the viable alternative to carry out or transmit any message from the hierarchy of FALINTIL. To some extent this process significantly contributed to our development as nationalists and revolutionaries. Moreover, we did not only substitute the roles of the adults as a lot of us were also able to organize other Timorese to get involved in the resistance movement. This was done through the creation of various groups that become a heart of key information circulation to FALINTIL, clandestine and diplomatic front.

As a member of OSF (Organisasão da Sagrada Familia) - a reserve nucleus of FALINTIL, even though at a very young age, I was with a FALINTIL commander Eli Foho Rai Boot well-known as L-7 - who is the founding father of OSF. We mainly did the work of the organization in urban areas which was extremely difficult as most activities were closely watched by Indonesian army and its collaborator. Despite such hardship, we managed to mobilize our fellow women, young and the old to actively participate in the struggle for independence.

In many instances, a lot of young girls offered themselves to the enemy in an effort to deviate their attention in order to save the lives of FALINTIL who were in danger. Such is a fact that can hardly be believed by many people of today. Many girls sacrificed themselves in compliance to the order of FALINTIL commanders that said “you must take care of us otherwise our death would mean that you will be abandoned when our independence comes into being”. There are many other facts that I have not mentioned in this brief article. However, scores of such incidents are covered in the report of CAVR –“Chega’! I suggest that everyone including current politicians to refer to the said report. Besides, the events can also be confirmed with various victims who suffered considerable consequences in the struggle for independence.

Those children are all grown up now and a lot have become parents of many kids. Sadly, their past sacrifices are unrecognized and not even a brief mention is made at any historical event of the country. Today, many of us live in misery because of our limited knowledge and also due to the current discriminatory system that marginalized us even though we may possess the same ability as anyone else. Is it fair if we also claim that we have our rights? The state that we persistently defended and contributed to its formation can give justice to our lives as human beings? During the struggle, many of our families lived under serious threats; they were denied of any possibility for economic development which would have helped them to develop a better future. The current scholarships are often put under rigorous criteria without being considerate of any especial condition. To our disadvantage that is obviously a continuous attempt to keep us behind. Besides, prevalent presence of corruption within the scholarships often promotes only families and cronies of those who are in leadership. Our rights are continuously denied similar to our grandparents during the period of colonialism. We demand for a fair treatment. This is because we want to continuously contribute to the liberation of our people especially to promote justice socio-economically and culturally.

With this invaluable article, we call on to the leaders of this country that do not deny us as former children who contributed significantly during 24-year period of Indonesian occupation. We need to be considered as combatants of our country. During the struggle, our guardians were the commanders of FALINTIL who were in the frontline during the resistance. Unfortunately in post-independence era, we have lost such guardians. The security protocols plus strict entry access to their residence have made it difficult to allow our contact with them. Regrettably many of them even cooperate with the opportunists to hold us back from accessing any opportunity. However, it is worth a mention that a few of them are still willing to defend the rights and interest of the ordinary people.

During our long struggle, it was not only the adults who suffered and died for this country; not only the educated ones but equally the poor farmers and shepherds who selflessly made massive contribution in terms of supporting FALINTIL and clandestine movement. The state should rightfully honor our contribution and child combatants should also be invited particularly at historical events of the country. This will acknowledge our dedication, sacrifice and also strengthen our courage to instill such important values to the young generation.

Even though this article might bear extensive complaints, the principal aim is to encourage child-combatants to continue the development of Timor-Leste as a shared work because this country was born out of our persistent struggle, suffering and deaths. We shall not let this country ruled only by the elite politicians but all of us including the new generation need to strive for social and economic justice for every citizen.
We have freed the country! Let us free the people.
The struggle continues!

Aquelina Imaculada Pereira, Nom de Guerre “Peregrina”

In collaboration with
Celestino Gusmão
Prof. Antero Benedito da Silva


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